Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bad Start and End to the Day

Yesterday was a funny old day. I took the dog for a walk early on and had to take an emergency poo in a bush. Apart from the other dog walkers hurrying past the worst bit about it was I'd gone out with a pair of shorts on and no pants, so there was nothing to wipe my arse with and leave in the bush. I had to walk home like Forrest Gump before the leg braces fell off.

After a nice shower I set about my main job for the day - taking out the old leaky shower unit. Three hours and much swearing later I'd taken the bloody thing out, which would not budge without me smashing the bottom row of tiles. The wife was away so I was pondering whether to go to the International for their 25 quid freezeout, but after my mamouth session(s) in the shower I decided to play online and try and release some bonuses on Virgin and PKR. The only thing I managed to 'release' was most of my funds on those sites during the evening. After a string of beats and lost races I turned to Bulmers cider to numb the pain and subsequently lost more money. Poker can be a real ball ache sometimes.


DungBeetle said...

"I took the dog for a walk early on and had to take an emergency poo in a bush"

This is my favourite opening line, in any blog, ever :)


Scampman said...

It was not one of my finest moments I admit.
'Fat bloke takes an outdoor shit whilst shoeing his Labrador away' would be the headline.